Graphs of Sine and Cosine

Changing the Cosine Graph


Changing the A value directly results in an increase or decrease in amplitude.  Ex. 2cosx will have a graph with an amplitude of 2 instead of 1.  If the A value is negative, then the graph has a reflection over the x-axis.

Changing the B value inversely results in an increase or decrease in the period of the graph.  Ex.  cos2x will have a graph with a period of 2π/2 which is just π.  Ex. cos1/2x will have a graph with a period of 2π  x  2/1, or 4π

Changing the C value will cause a horizontal shift of the graph.  If C is positive then the graph moves left.  If C is negative then the graph moves right.

Changing the D value will cause a horizontal shift of the graph.  If D is positive then the graph moves up.  If D is negative then the graph moves down.